
Bingo: Verbs in past

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Bingo: Verbs in past


BINGO con el vocabulario de verbos en pasado en clase de inglés.

El material incluye:

- 27 tarjetas de bingo (máx. 27 jugadores)

- 1 diapositiva con todo el vocabulario que incluye, para recortar y sacar de manera aleatoria.

Verbos que trabaja:

- Have (had)

- Be (was/were)

- Tidy (tidied)

- Go (went)

- See (saw)

- Clap (clapped)

- Buy (bought)

- Eat (ate)

- Enjoy (enjoyed)

- Hear (heard)

- Learn (learnt)

- Play (played)

- Make (made)

- Write (wrote)

- Dance (danced)

- Think (thought)

- Win (won)

- Open (opened)

- Wear (wore)

- Paint (painted)

- Close (closed)

Se recomienda imprimir en cartulina y plastificar, para una mayor duración.

I want this!
281 KB
10 pages
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